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View Locations. Belfast. Belfast Planning Service Cecil Ward Building 4-10 The Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991 provides the principle legislation, and has undergone various amendments since its introduction. The Planning (NI) Order 1991 defines development which is subject to planning as: “the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under Planning in Northern Ireland has recently undergone its biggest change for 40 years.
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You can apply to every local authority in England using the Planning Portal.. At the start of project you must consider whether the development requires planning permission or building regulations approval, … 2021-04-22 Where to find planning information Public Access. Search for and view planning applications in Northern Ireland online.
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Building your own home is a challenging, thrilling, rewarding and sometimes frustrating process. It is one of the processes that invokes dreams people have sometimes held throughout their life and represents a one-time chance for many peopl
View Locations. Belfast. Belfast Planning Service Cecil Ward Building 4-10 Linenhall Street Belfast BT2 8BP Tel: (028) 9050 0510 E-mail: View Website. Home Locations Log in to your church's Planning Center account. Planning in Northern Ireland has recently undergone its biggest change for 40 years. On 1 April 2015, the Department of the Environment (DOE) transferred responsibility for the majority of planning functions to local government through the 2011 Planning Act (NI).